Monday, March 2, 2009

The non official non summary of my week.

I have been on a roll this week. Not only have I been uber productive, but I have been making a lot of progress with my scholastic record. Not in a academic way of course, but in my self improvement efforts. I went to library, and came out with around 6 books of brain stimulating material on such topics as networking, computer careers, ford pickups, and a book by Bill Gates on business at the speed of thought. This kind of stuff is what I am interested in right now, and I wanted to learn more about it, and I must say that it was a good choice to go to the library.

I have deceided that I am going to get a season pass to Bachelor next year and go every friday. Anyone who wants to should come with me. I had a great day up there today, horrible weather but great snow! I love going up! My board is a peice of poop though, the screws in the binding was coming lose, sigh.

Less than two weeks until my licence! I AM TOTALLY JAZZED! And no Lauren I will not fail. :P If i do, I will buy you a coffee friday night... :> lol good times.

So this ends the non official non summary of my week.


The Oilsgal said...

so what is the official summary of your week?

Lauren said...

lol, deal ;-) but I also highly doubt you will fail, so hey. Plus you are not taking your test till Monday. Haha, maybe I'll just have to take you out :-P....though hey, who wants to spend time with old friends huh? Well, least we could catch up.

Kara said... kinda makes me laugh that the main part of your week was checking out books...

Kara said...

and i forgot to mention that it's only Wednesday. =)