Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas week

THis week has been crazy busy and has blown by so fast!
I worked at servicemaster off and on this week, mostly demo and hauling water equipment around central oregon. It is not my favorite type of work, give me a tractor and my own schedule any day! But then my pocketbook glares at me with his evil eyes and tell me that he is empty and then off I go to work!
We ended up playing poker on X-mas with the fam, rather ironic don't you think? Oh well, it was fun. Oh and I started a novel for the first time in forever, I have realized that I have not been reading at all lately, I used to be an avid reader so I decieded to change that.
The fam and I are taking off for Seattle next week, should be pretty fun. Seafood galore! Woohoo! We will go shopping, watch the Radio City Rocketts, and visit with my uncle. OH and watch the ROSE BOWL! Yeee Haw!

Ok thats all for now

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


This past week I have been working at servicemaster off and on. They are super busy so I have been going around with my truck and trailor and picking up water equipment and bringing it to other jobs around Central Oregon. Fun Stuff.

Our crazy g2g is this weekend!! Woohoo!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Here are a few things that happened since my last real post.
1. I have been hauling hay like crazy and sold over 200 ton since June.
2. I bought a truck in october, its a beautiful 2003 F-150 4x4. I love that thing!
3. I painted my room blue and brown, and you all know how unartistic I am, so this makes the list.
4. Bought a bunch of feeder calves for next fall.
5. Completed my first trimester at COCC, my major is Computer Science, and I plan to stay here and take all the certificate courses they offer.
6. Got my first ticket of my life! Oh wait, that's not a good thing.

During the winter break, I plan to snowboard, work at Servicemaster, and look for hay hauling jobs. Its weird but I love hauling hay, after hauling about 100 tons of my own hay, I am starting to get pretty good at it.
I can't believe that I am almost 17! Just three months, seems like it was a few weeks ago when I got my licence. Time really flys when you'r having fun... One thing I need to work on is my flying. I had a goal of getting my private pilots licence on my Birthday. I don't think that is going to happen, but I still want to get it as soon as possible.
Well, I hope this brings you up-to-date on my life.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Ok, so its been forever since I have posted on this thing. Oh well.

Friday, June 19, 2009

In Alaska

Hey you all,
I am in Alaska, and if you want to know what I am doing, read my sister's blog. :>
But here are some of the trips details.
1. My sleeping arrangments have not been the best, I have been sleeping sprawled out on the very back seat of the Excursion. But I have been sleeping pretty good during the day as some of the less flattering pictures on Heidi's blog suggest. Geez.
2. No cell phone coverage for about 5 days almost killed me. Almost. But as I got weaned from the life-giving bars, it got easier.
3. Our Excursion got soo dirty. Dry dust on a wet car is not good. But we made good use of the dirt, and wrote encouraging slogans and sayings such as "No cell coverage in days, we shall surely die" and "Dawson City went bust."

Anywho, I am off to get ready for the wedding.

Have fun y'all in Bend, or wherever you are. I am getting homesick. Sigh.

Friday, May 22, 2009

It's Been Awhile...

So this last week has been pretty nicely filled with activities for my action-loving brain. I have a cello preformance that I am playing on like the 3rd of June so Ihave been practicing a ton. I happen to have two lessons a week so thats been a lot of my time, good stuff.
Also I have been moving water as usual, and rehearsing with the motley crew the play "The Merchant of Venice." That goes down on the 2nd, and we are leaving for Walla Walla Conv on the 4th, so life will be pretty complicated and filled with oh-so-fun things.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My week was...

Irrigation, more irrigation, and some school, with a cello. :)

And then it deceided that it was goingto be cold.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

I Am A Farmer Now

The week has gone by soo fast, its insane. As most of you know, my Dad and I went partners in a haying business so we have been getting our fields ready for irrigation. I have been working after school, sometimes even skipping some school every day this week, and worked all day saturday. I rather enjoy the work, most of it is on the tractor, plowing and stuff.

I also dropped my phone in the middle of a 40 acre field. Arg... I have my whole schedule and lots of notes on it, not to mention phone numbers and contact info, I am going to look for it this afternoon between meetings.


Anyways so thats whats going on Frank's world.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

I am 16 going on 23

[] You know how to make a pot of coffee
[x] You keep track of dates using a calendar.
[] You own a credit card.
[x ] You know how to change the oil in a car
You've done your own laundry.[x ]
You can vote in an election.[]
You can cook for yourself.[x]
You think politics are interesting. [x]

[ ] You show up for school late a lot.[x] LOL :)
You always carry a pen/pencil in your bag/purse/pocket.[]
You've never gotten a detention.[ ]
You have forgotten your own birthday.[ ]
You like to take walks by yourself.[]
You know what credibility means, without looking it up.[x]
You drink caffeine at least once a week [x]

You know how to do the dishes.[x]
You can count to 10 in another language.[x]
When you say you're going to do something you do it.[x]
You can mow the lawn.[ x]
You study even when you don't have to.[x]
You have hand washed a car before. [x]

You can spell experience, without looking it up.[x ]
The people at Starbucks know you by name.[ ]
Your favorite kind of food is take out.[]
You can go to the store without getting something you don't need.[x]
You understand political jokes the first time they are said.[x]
You can type pretty quick. [x]

[] Your only friends are from your place of employment.[]
You have been to a Tupperware party.[]
You have realized that practically no one will take you seriously unless you are over the age of 25 and have a job.[x]
You have more bills than you can pay.[x]
You have been to the beach.[x]
You use the internet every day.[x]
You have been outside of the united states[x]
You make your bed in the morning.TOTAL: 23

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Cabin Trip Baby!

SO last weekend I went to the Cabin Trip at Mount Hood that some of my freinds hosted. It was great, lots of Basketball, from which I got some crazy blisters, and wrestling, round the world ping pong, and lots of talking with ppl. I am getting tons of Facebook notifications because of tagged pics from it. Good times.

On to more important things. For me anyway. Ever since returning from the cruise, I have been feeling rather unproductive, and those who know me well know that I hate being unproductive. I guess its part of my personality to always be doing something to better myself in life. Anywho, my remedy for my dower mood is this. I set for myself a few goals for the month of April since I am a goally person.
1. To earn $500 and get out of most of my debt.
2.Landscape our driveway and entry.
3. Learn 35 hymns perfectly on the piano.
4. Get half of my Physics book done.
5. Finish a school book titled "Essay on Man"
6. Finish my chemistry.
7. And finally stay on track on math to finish by early May.

So those are my goals. I have been doing pretty good on them so far. And it has been helping with my sadistic feelings of unproductivity. My depression is easily remedied.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Hi From Cali

Hello all,
I am at my relative's house in Fresno, California. We got here last night late after driving all day, but it was not that long of a drive. It is soo green here! I love it, it is so warm as well, around 80 degrees and sunny. Quite enjoyable. We leave for LA tommorow morning to catch the boat for mexico, which sadly does not have internet. SIGH! A whole week of no communication with my hood? Is it possible?

Of course. Its a cruise. :>

I hope everyone has a good day in freezing Bend! :P Oh and Keihl, my email is SO email me with your music stuff!

Monday, March 16, 2009

First Story Essay Thing

This is an essay I wrote about a personal experiance I had. It was written around 3/6/09.

“An Autobiographical Anecdote”
An Incident at the Peak

The lofty mountain of the Steens Range in south-east Oregon is an area that I hold dear to my heart. I have many fond recollections of the place, riding horses on the trails, shooting sage rats, and eating roasted hot dogs by the fire. Of all my reminiscences however, one burns brightest in my memory, one not as pleasant as these.
It was a warm day in mid-July, my dad, his friend and I had been riding up to a mountain peak. Our horses were dripping wet with white foam as they labored up the steep trail. Our gay conversation filled the still air, pausing only when concentration was needed to guide our steeds over rough terrain. Lofty pine trees stood sentinel over our little caravan. We had set our enthusiastic eyes on a distant summit back at camp, and we were determined to reach the top and return triumphant to the awaiting families at dusk.
It was around noon when we rounded a bend, and found that we had at last, reached our goal. With Jubilant shouts, we congratulated ourselves on our tenacity as we rode to a point and looked far out across the desert below. I had been tired of sitting in the hard saddle, so I eased off painfully and took some faltering steps, regaining feeling in my legs. After eagerly consuming my food, I became listless and uninterested in the surroundings, since I was at that age where mountain views were oh-so- boring. I soon looked for something to do.
My youthful eyes soon found a source of entertainment. A lone snow bank cascaded down the mountain for several hundred feet, and in my romantic, eager eyes, this would be fun to slide down! I boldly stepped to the edge and looked down. Of course I slipped. Down I slid on my rear, sliding over rocks, roots, and other quite hard materials. Time stood still, really, it did, or still enough for me to feel every stone, branch and miniature precipice that I slide over. I was saved about 30 feet down the mountain by a hardy tree, whose trunk gave my slide a jolting end.
The horse ride home was not a comfortable one indeed. Every jolting step jarred my throbbing backside as we rode through the mountains; I felt like bringing back the contents of my lunch all over the saddle. Of course it did not help that the sandwich I had consumed was squished and hot and tasted of horse sweat… The horse seemed to enjoy my suffering as he would step awkwardly over a fallen tree, or jump over a dribble of a creek that he could of easily stepped over. However, I lived through the suffering and aguish that I had inflicted upon myself, and now I had a great story to tell my children and grandchildren.
Experiences such as this one are what shape a person’s character and life. No matter how humorous or serious, incidents cause memories and wisdom, and later in life, they are what will really matter on this earth. No matter how much money a person has, or possessions, in the end, when the body is broken and the muscles feeble, memories will be all that a person has. Sliding down a mountain on my glutious maximus will be a great story to tell my kids!
I will never forget the classic experience, the rush of sliding down an icy peak, the shattering collision, but most of all, the ride home and listening to the jokes and wisecracks about the slide. I can already picture myself, ninety-five and a shriveled, dried-out old man laughing gleefully in a nursing home about my fall down the mountain. I can hardly wait.
Experiences like this one, although painful and somewhat humorous, have shaped who I am, and will shape who I will become.

Got Licence and I shall be posting some of my papers.

Yup I passed, yay for me. I drove the girls to 4-H meeting without a parent, pretty tight.

So I decided that I will post some of my papers for lit class on here, most are from this year, but I got some from earlier classes as well. I have had a lot of fun writing them, funny how that is. But I think i like writing papers soo much better than any other thing in the class.

Aunt Sherri, feel free to post your comments, as well as everyone else, I would love to hear your thoughts!

Paco C. (my nickname that I quite fond of.) :)

Saturday, March 14, 2009


As probobly everyone knows, it was my bday today... it was great, we just got back from Hoodoo, we were going to go Bachelor, but it was soooo freaking spendy. Sigh. But Hoodoo was good, the snow was falling fast, and by about 1 the icy runs were covered in soft powder. T'was awsome.

Tonight I am going to Heidi's choir thing. Should be pretty sweet.

Monday I get my licence, I am sooooooo jazzed for that! Thats whats pumping in my hood yo! :)

Ttyl all!

Monday, March 2, 2009

The non official non summary of my week.

I have been on a roll this week. Not only have I been uber productive, but I have been making a lot of progress with my scholastic record. Not in a academic way of course, but in my self improvement efforts. I went to library, and came out with around 6 books of brain stimulating material on such topics as networking, computer careers, ford pickups, and a book by Bill Gates on business at the speed of thought. This kind of stuff is what I am interested in right now, and I wanted to learn more about it, and I must say that it was a good choice to go to the library.

I have deceided that I am going to get a season pass to Bachelor next year and go every friday. Anyone who wants to should come with me. I had a great day up there today, horrible weather but great snow! I love going up! My board is a peice of poop though, the screws in the binding was coming lose, sigh.

Less than two weeks until my licence! I AM TOTALLY JAZZED! And no Lauren I will not fail. :P If i do, I will buy you a coffee friday night... :> lol good times.

So this ends the non official non summary of my week.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Fa La La

This week was pretty good, arg, I guess my last couple blogs have been summeries of my week, and this one no different. Ah well.

The highlights of this week were on Thursday. I had my flying lesson Thursday morning, and that was great fun. I was horribly out of practice, but I was starting to get a feel for it by the time I got to sick to continue. Yes I got sick, but I had a good excuse. We practiced turning for an hour, and turning in a tiny airplane is not the most comfortable thing to do for your precious stomach. I flew for about an hour and then we landed.

I was then dropped off at the Shop, where I promptly left to go forrage for food at Sonic. I blew about $10 on two totally tasty hamburgers and fries, with a Dr. Pepper. I was happy.

Besides Thursday, the week was a boring one indeed. Sorry, but it's soo true. I need a licence sooo bad, I hate just having to stay bloody home and mess around. :< oh well... 22 days!

This coming week looks dangously close to being another boring one. So sad, I must change that somehow...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

This weekend

So its been awhile since I had anything newsworthy to talk about. But this weekend the Sperl Family from Washington came down to visit. We had a total blast. There were three kids. Peyton who is 12, Hannah who is 13, and Jordan who is 15. I met Jordan at Sag 2 last year, and we pretty much clicked... :)

I got even more RAM for my computer, so its a total powerhouse now, good times. We are almost done lambing, we only have the young ewes that bred late to go. I am happy about that, because waking up at 3:30 is not my idea of fun.

Less than a month until i get my licence, seems so close now. I have been waiting for ages, and its rapidly coming up! I think the first thing I will do with it would be to go to A&W and get a nice burger with a float and go hang with some freinds or somthing. That would be tight.

Hope everyone who is reading this is having a good day, I am having an awsome day so I hope that rubs off! :>


Sunday, February 8, 2009

Weekend Fun.

So this weekend was quite eventful for once!

It all started friday, however odd, it was so. Dad deceided that it was time for an epic cleaning, and not just the usual declutter but an all out remediation. SO friday afternoon was room, and upstairs cleaning, followed with a prime rib dinner that was oh so good.

Saturday started at 3:30, when I woke up to check sheep, and found a new lamb. Suckage. :) pun intended.
All morning was spent cleaning out the garage, and then we went to em's bball game. That game was epic, the other coach was such a dunce. He forfeited the game because he thought Em's team was "to physical." That was not cool.

After the game, I got my hair cut! I like it soo much more when it it short.

Alrighty, and if any of you want to see photos of my pooch, they are on my facebook. I think all of you have facebook, Heidi posted them on her page, and I have not gotten a hold on the cam yet, so they will prolly never make it to my blog...

Have a good day!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Guess what y'all? Heidi got me a puppy for my Bday! Talk about early present, but oh well. She is gorgous, 6 weeks old, and pooped all over the garage. I love her soo much!

I hope she learns not to eat lambs, unlike the last puppy... Or she will get a one way ticket to the pound baby!

ttyl, as I got to go get ready for meeting.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Goodbye Old Freind!

Tonight was a going away party for Lauren, it was pretty fun, but I will miss her a ton. We have been freinds for over 15 years, and have done soo much together. Ah well.

Today Devon, Landon, and Connor, A.K.A the Motley Crew, are coming over. It will be fun as usual. The plan is to ride horses, and then our tradition of Age of Mythology shall be conducted.

Its 6:30 and I am feeling rather sick, not too bad, but just a lil queezy. I shall man up though, since I have a full day ahead of me! Good times.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

What School?

I think I am supposed to be in school this week, but so far it does not feel like it.. :p After snowboarding on tuesday and today I was slammed all day in town, I have not gotten much school done... but oh well..

I got my texting bill yesterday... $100. Not good... not good at all. :< But Daddy Dearest might give in to unlimited texting, which would be a good financal dicision at this point.

This Sat is Brit's bday, I think I am going, but not sure. I might have to go to Em's basketball game. But a Bday party would be pretty good fun methinks.

We had special meeting last sunday, good times.. Lots of good things shared. I am so ready for convs! :P

I hope you all enjoy this awsome day, whenever you read this!

Friday, January 16, 2009

The Inner Song of the Mind

“Music is more than just sound. It is more than playing notes in tune, or pressing a key down. It is every bit as much as a mental state, as a physical action.” This idea has been ingrained in my musically innocent mind in my last few cello lessons; I think I am starting to understand in a small measure what this means.
A cello, like other stringed instruments, is played by pulling a bow across taunt strings, making them vibrate, thus sending off sound waves. The player shortens the length of the strings with his left hand, changing the pitch of the note. This may sound like a simple action, requiring only practice in learning where the notes are on the string, but this cannot be farther from the truth.
What my teacher wants to instill in my stubborn mind is that I need to hear every note, and have an idea of what the song means in my mind, and the mindset will carry out in my music. If I hear the notes in my mind before playing them, I will produce a perfect sound, adapted to the mood of the piece. As an experienced Piano player, this is a difficult concept to understand. A piano can only have one pitch, the note cannot be changed either flat or sharp, unlike the cello. Because of this, I play my cello somewhat brutish, thinking only of hitting the perfect pitch, not the inner sound that should resonate from my entire being. I call this, The Piano Curse.
Every musical piece has a mood. The entertainer is a bouncing, jovial piece that should be played lightly and happily. The Var. VIII of “Ah, vous dirai- je Maman” by Mozart is a dark, sad piece, and should be played slowly, and with deep feeling. To reverse the style of the songs, but play the exact notes would be utter disaster.
The two songs mentioned are Piano pieces, but the same idea applies to Cello pieces, only more so. The very construction of a cello enables the player to change the very pitch of the note, either flat or sharp, to suit the mood of the song. However, the pitch change, which is almost too subtle to hear, will be produced to match the inner song of the mind.

This is a copy of the beginning essay I am writing, it will probobly bore you all, but I thought it would show a good snap shot of my mind. :>

Good times.

Thoughts and Ponders.

George Bush gave his parting address last night, I could not watch it, because I am still saddened by his parting. I guess that I am one of about 29% of America that still thinks he did a good job as our president. I still get pretty ticked when reading all the crap about his "mistakes." I think he did a heck of a job running our country, notice we have not had any terrorist attacks on our land since 9-11? huh... And all this Bailout stuff that is supposidly ruining the financial integrity of our government was opposed by Mr. Bush. Huh. Odd..

ah well... I shall not rant any more. It is a beautiful day out, and I plan to finish my school and go out and get some work done on our fallen trees. I loaded our flatbed trailer up with branches and now i got to figgur out how to burn it without getting the fire department here again. :(

I think Mr. Drew Sullivan needs to post some stuff on his blog soon. Its been awhile. Perhaps I should call the dude...

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Another Great Time at Con's

Hehe, yup I went over to Con's house again this weekend. T'was really fun. Devon was there, and Con had some of his school freinds over. Good times. But I have learned that I need unlimited texting, and to bring a charger whenever i go to his house; my phone always dies when I am there.

I am not looking forword to this week, I am soo sick of school. But I shall live.

I hope you all have a good day 'cause I am!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Good New Year So Far

Hey its the 5th and I am happy as usual. I have been working all weekend, and then started school again. I am been thinking about what I want to do this year and I have found a few things.
1. I want to restart flight lessons. I hav'nt flown in about a year, but I decieded that I want to go for my private licence.
2. I plan to start haying this year, using my equipment that dad and I bought last year.
3. I want to play in the symphony this fall, which would take some crazy cello practicing.
4. I want to have some crazy fun this summer since I will finally get my licence! Woot.

So thats about it. Comment.